Camaraderie Flare

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Consecrated on July 19th, 2021
between 5:35a – 6:10a
Fumigation: Aloe Resin, Almond Gum, Mugwort, Lemongrass, Daylilies
Talisman: Antique/Sterling Silver, Rose Quartz, Raspberry Leaf, Torchflower Aloe, Mugwort, Valarian Root, Blue Lotus

" a woman of beautiful visage, and having on her head a green wreath of myrtle, and in her hand is the stem of the planet which is called the water lily, she is singing songs of love and joy. And this is a face of playing, and of wealth, joy and abundance."
– Picatrix

Each sign occupies 30° in the horoscope and, if those degrees are then divided into segments of 10°. These divisions often are the decans, and each one of them reveals a different aspect of the sign and is accompanied by its choir of spirits.

The second decan of Cancer is ruled by Mercury and is connected with the tarot card III of Cups. This is a decan that promotes candor and ease between friends. It is the late-night heart hearts with trusted confidence. It is the cups raised in gleeful cheer in the local bar with friends. This talisman's power is to expand and nurture the intimacy developed between two or more people, which results in profound and lasting friendships.

This candle is infused with the decanic spirit and is wonderful to light during intimate gatherings or when simply spending time with friends and loved ones.

This item is curio and based on myths and ancient practices.
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